Project focused on the elaboration of digital images, created and formed from 3D Particles. In this case, the project is created particularly with the X-Particles engine, one of the most competitive and well-known software in the visual effects sector. With the software we can create fragmentation, explosions, smoke, fluids, or fire within the immense possibilities that it offers us. The main idea of the project is to generate compositions, in some cases generating the geometry with the same software and in others capturing the particles to shape the images. From here, the work is based on applying a good chromatic combination and illuminating the entire scene with good detail.
It is very common to find these techniques, in the world of advertising or film 3D visual effects. Nowadays, more and more we can enjoy these tools thanks to the commercialization and popularity of these 3D particle engines, together with the growth and standardization of hardware.
Another section that I want to work on in this section are the moving particles, animating and rendering the scenes to be able to see another perspective in my work.
If you are interested in seeing more content on this subject, you can search in the 3d works section and you will find that the use of these techniques is common in my portfolio both with personal projects and with orders adapted to the client.
Design and 3D: Ismael Mensa
Personal project 2021
3D VisualEstrella Damm
3D AlcoholMartin Miller's GIN
3D Product VisualizationCampbellhay
3D RenderingKlone
3D WineWine design project
3D Brush pro advertisingTermix
3D Chair renderingMarcel Breuer's Cesca chair and redesign
3D PerfumeBassalt
CGI AnimationHydroponic Skateboard
Skincare products 3D renderSkincare products 3D render
CGI Ice CreamHigh quality 3D modeling
Still-Life 3D RenderKlone
CGI PerfumeVannity. Make a Mark
3D wine bottleMonólogo
3D Objects3D Design
3D ParticlesParticles
Photorealistic RendersMini alcohol
3D Cosmetic Render3D Cosmetic
Product design an 3D particle compositions.3D Product Design
3D home design in BarcelonaNew Real State Horizon
CGI BottleCGI Bottle
3D Product RenderCGI Visual Design
3D DesignCoffee capsules
3D Illustrations about Actions3D Graphics
3D Typography3D Typography